Impact a Child's future
Since 1996, SBSK has served families in the Austin community by providing children with free after school services. Over the years, we have extended to multiple campuses’ and are now experiencing record breaking enrollment numbers. Unfortunately, this has resulted in a waitlist for students who are not able to attend our program.
We currently have over 100 students on our waitlist. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to fund these students after school care but we need your support to do this. You are the solution!
We call our 300 kids “Our heroes of tomorrow.” They have big dreams – dreams of becoming doctors, lawyers, astronauts, teachers and more. To reach those dreams, children first need to be excellent readers, writers, and mathematicians. They need to make wise choices and stay physically strong. Most importantly, they need to find internal strength that comes from the power of faith and high self-esteem.
Please consider investing in the lives of children that need your support and blessings now to succeed in the future.
Help reduce the waitlist by donating through the button below. The money raised will be used to place kids from the waitlist into our programs. Continue your support by volunteering and directly impacting a child's life. We can only serve as many kids as allowed by our generous donors and volunteers.
how you make an impact
- Placing kids in a safe environment between the hours of 3pm and 6pm, when kids are most likely exposed to dangerous choices.
- Minimize stark disparities among experiences and opportunities accessible to students living in disadvantaged communities.
- Combat unfinished learning through homework completion and personalized tutoring.
- Allow children to be better provided for at home by relieving childcare costs that can be more than a family's food, housing or college tuition budgets.
- Contributing to a quality program that focuses on children’s future success and well being.