Bianca Salazar

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Bianca Salazar

Executive Assistant

Bianca is a native Austinite, and she is one of five siblings. She was raised in a bi-lingual home that fostered a culture of curiosity for the world. As a result, she has always been interested in languages and deeply desires to learn about cultures that differ from hers. Her grandfather was an attorney who fought for the rights of underprivileged children in El Salvador. He was globally minded yet committed to giving back to his community. Through him, she learned the importance of accepting others and the responsibility to help those who do not have a voice or the ability to stand up for themselves.

She is working toward finishing her degree in organizational communications with a minor in Spanish. She is excited to give back and see the students grow. In addition, she wants to engage with others and help them understand and work with other communities and cultures.

Bianca enjoys traveling, reading, and running in her free time.